SNAP Benefits that are Stolen Electronically by Cloning or Skimming can be Replaced!

As of December 2023, there were nearly 3000 cases of electronically stolen SNAP benefits in Indiana. To help those affected, FSSA has modified its Program Policy Manual for SNAP benefits, based on a change in federal law, to now provide that SNAP benefits that are stolen electronically by cloning or skimming can be replaced. Benefits that are reported stolen via electronic methods must be reported by the SNAP recipient. The Department of Family Resources (DFR) staff will request an affidavit regarding the reported theft and will investigate to determine if the loss fits the conditions of the new policy (P.L. 117). If so, a replacement will be provided. Replacements under these conditions are restricted to two replacements per year for a maximum of 2 months of benefits per replacement.  It is important for those claiming their benefits stolen electronically to return a signed affidavit to their DFR office to get their benefits replaced! 

To report stolen benefits call 317-234-7989 and leave your : 

  • Full name 
  • Case number 
  • Date benefits were stolen 
  • Amount stolen 
  • Mailing address
  • Telephone number at which caller can be reached. 





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